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Why calculate your condominium's carbon footprint?
You can only improve what you measure! Homeland offers you the only carbon footprint calculator for condominiums.
Installation of individual meters and mousseurs, insulation of heating networks, insulation, etc... A wide range of solutions are available.
Identify sources of financing, grants and subsidies so that you can quickly launch certain actions at a lower cost to the condominium.
Compare, year after year, the effects of the actions undertaken and measure the impact of the measures adopted.
While certified carbon footprint calculation methodologies only exist for government departments, local authorities, public establishments and companies, Homeland is launching the 1st carbon footprint calculator for condominiums, thanks to a methodology developed with the help of Sami.eco, a specialist in carbon footprint measurement for companies.
The carbon footprint calculator is based on a number of variables, including :
number of homes
Year of construction
The building's ECD
The department (because the heating networks are different)
Number of elevators
Type of heating
The presence of individual meters
The presence of building employees
Condominium expenses over 12 months using the accounting ledger
Introducing Homeland, the first Enterprise to Mission syndicate
A dedicated contact person and an on-call team to answer your questions 24/7 and manage your emergencies (leaks, breakdowns, locksmiths, etc.).
Find all your documents and monitor your condominium's accounts and projects in real time on our Extranet.
For your current condominium charges and our fees
Benefit from our areas of expertise (works, claims, insurance, energy renovation, legal, accounting)
condominiums under management, between 20 and 750 units