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What's a discharge for the trustee?

Legal issues
General meetings

Is it possible to contest the damage surveyor's decision?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

What is a global technical diagnosis?

Technical questions

What length of time should we put on the management contract that we're going to propose to the general meeting?

Legal issues
Join now

Bedbugs: who to contact?

Technical questions
Technical intervention

How do I change a window in the front of my condominium?

Technical questions
How co-ownership works

I've lost my login or password

Homeland Extranet

Can I install a stop park device in my parking space?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

The current syndic has just told us that he will be sending out the notice in the next few days, so it's too late to propose a new syndic contract. Is this legal?

Legal issues
Join now

Where can I find the documents I need to sell my property?

Accounting issues
Putting my property up for sale

What happens in the event of a claim?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

Where can I find the contact details of the union council?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

How do I acquire a common part of a condominium?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

What are common areas?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

Can I set up a payment schedule?

Accounting issues
Paying my bills with Homeland

Can I entrust work to a non-professional (co-owner, friend...)? ?

Technical questions
Technical intervention

Can I divide my property without authorization from the general meeting?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

How can the general meeting terminate the current managing agent contract?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How do I calculate my condominium charges?

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

I would like information / I have a question about a current project

Technical questions

Can I change the use of a common area?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

What do I need to prepare before moving in?

Technical questions

Understanding my call for funds (or call for charges)

Accounting issues
My calls for funds

I'm on the syndicate council and I'd like to follow the progress of a project in my condominium.

Homeland Extranet

How can I find out the surface area of my building?

Technical questions
How co-ownership works

How does a damage survey work?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

What are the criteria for damage to be covered by DO insurance?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

How do I request that a resolution be added to the agenda of the next AGM?

Legal issues
General meetings

What work must I obtain authorization for from the general meeting?

Legal issues
General meetings

When do I have to send in my proposal for a building manager's contract so that it can be added to the agenda of the next general meeting?

Technical questions
Join now

How does thermal insulation reduce condominium charges?

Technical questions
Technical intervention

What's in it for me if I put my current managing agent out to tender?

Legal issues
Join now

How can I equip my condominium parking space with an electric vehicle charging point?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

Why and when should you call in a bailiff's report?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

Do I have the right to change my trustee?

Legal issues
Join now

What are the differences between delivery and acceptance of common areas?

Legal issues
Recent buildings

Everything you need to know about the subtleties of postal voting at condominium general meetings

Legal issues
General meetings

How can I split a condominium?

Legal issues

I would like to change trustee but our contract was signed for 2/3 years, how can I revoke it?

Legal issues
Join now

What is a cash advance?

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

My last payment doesn't appear on my statement of account

Accounting issues
My calls for funds

Who decides what is forbidden in a building?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

All you need to know about recoverable expenses

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

I've noticed that a vehicle in my parking lot is parked outside the reserved spaces. Is it up to the building manager to take action?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

What is a syndicate of co-owners?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How can I benefit from a reduction in my property tax?

Accounting issues
Recent buildings

What are the deadlines for transmitting my co-ownership documents from my former syndic to the newly elected one?

Legal issues
Join now

How can I be represented at a Shareholders' Meeting if I am unavailable?

Legal issues
General meetings

Who draws up the condominium bylaws?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How do I pay my utilities by cheque?

Accounting issues
Paying my bills with Homeland

Is it possible to sell the condominium association's PRM spaces?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How do you account for the distribution of individual hot water meters when they are remotely read by a metering service provider?

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

I notice a nuisance in the neighborhood (noise, odors, etc.)

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

How to successfully deliver common areas?

Technical questions
Recent buildings

Can I install a video surveillance system in my condominium?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

Understanding the annual changes to my rental contract

Technical questions

Tenants: good daily habits

Technical questions

I report an incident in the common areas

Technical questions
Technical intervention

How to bid properly for property management contracts?

Legal issues
Join now

How do I pay my utilities by bank transfer?

Accounting issues
Paying my bills with Homeland

What are the roles of the TCS, the managing agent and the AGM?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

I would like to receive my payment orders by e-mail

Homeland Extranet

Tenant's guide

Follow the guide

Is my trustee free to resign whenever he wants?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

What is the role of the damage surveyor?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

Does my property manager have the right to refuse to send me the attendance sheet for the general meeting?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

What is the role of the meeting officers at a general meeting?

Legal issues
General meetings

All you need to know about damage insurance (DO) for condominiums

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

What is damage insurance (DO)?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

How is condominium work financed?

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

I would like to change my contact details (change of address...)

Homeland Extranet

Do I have to inform my entire co-ownership of the various proposals from the syndics participating in the call for tenders?

Legal issues
Join now

Can I freely use my condominium lot?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

How long does it take to manage a damage claim?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

Can both members of a couple stand for election to the union council?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

A guide to changing property manager

Follow the guide
Join now

How do you choose a property manager for a new building?

Legal issues
Recent buildings

How do I add a private request to the agenda of a condominium general meeting?

Legal issues
General meetings

What is charge adjustment?

Accounting issues
My calls for funds

Energy saving certificates (CEE), a free way to finance energy renovation work in your condominium.

Technical questions
Technical intervention

What are the differences between a prime contractor and a project owner?

Legal issues
Technical intervention

Get a date-stamp

Accounting issues
Putting my property up for sale

Does the building manager have the right to give me a neighbor's contact details?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

How do you decide how to use the parking spaces belonging to the building?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How will the general meeting vote on the change of managing agent?

Legal issues
Join now

Someone is occupying my parking space. What should I do?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

When does the new managing agent take office?

Legal issues
Join now

What is the role of damage insurance?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

Is it possible to limit the number of parking badges, vigiks or beepers per occupant in a condominium?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

What do you need to do to prepare for a damage survey?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

What is Homeland's relaunch policy?

Accounting issues
Paying my bills with Homeland

Until what date will the former syndic's fees be calculated?

Legal issues
Join now

How is the provisional budget for the coming financial year drawn up?

Accounting issues
Understanding condominium accounting

What documents do you need to include in your file in order to rent the property of your dreams?

Technical questions

Can I change the allocation of my lot?

Legal issues
Life in a condominium

I would like to launch a new project for the condominium (maintenance, improvements, legal advice...)

Technical questions
Technical intervention

New home buyer's guide

Follow the guide
Recent buildings

What is a tantième?

Legal issues
How co-ownership works

How do I submit a claim to DO insurance?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

What happens if the DO insurer does not respond within 60 days?

Technical questions
Construction Damage Insurance

I can't find the answer to my question

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By phone on + 32 2 771 01 95 or by email at assistance@homeland.immo

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