Volga Public Relations
Charlotte Mouret
06 58 46 57 99 - charlotte@volgarp.com
09/05/2023: Bevouac: Condominium alert: when a chicha ember ignites an entire building
14/10/2022 : Allô radio immo: How to lower your heating bills with Renaud Lerooy from Homeland and Eric Vorger from Kocliko
06/10/2022: TF1 Info "Le 20h": Collective heating: the government calls for greater individualization of charges
04/19/2022: BFM Paris "Île-de-France Business with La Tribune": Neo-syndics develop in Île-de-France
15/04/2022: Podcast 5min chrono on Radio Immo: Interview with Frédéric Remeur, Homeland
02/04/2022: BFM Business "France has everything to succeed" - Homeland, "disrupter" of the condominium management market, raises 9 million euros
01/03/2022: FRENCHWEB - [Series A] Pioneering neo-syndic, Homeland raises 9 million euros to expand in France
30/06/2021 : Podcast L'état des lieux - Is it possible to have a transparent and available building manager?
05/05/2021 : BFM TV - Homeland: a new kind of syndic is possible
10/02/2021 : BFM TV - Homeland is recruiting
29/05/2020 : France 5 - La quotidienne Syndics : comment réduire la facture ?
14/05/2019 : Figaro Economie - Homeland, a new kind of condominium manager
10/31/2023: Selectra - Co-ownership insurance: how to insure a building properly?
09/06/2023 : Mon Immeuble - Homeland Immo: entry into Belgium with the acquisition of Managimm
07/06/2023 : Trends Tendances - French property management company Homeland acquires Managimm to expand into Belgium
07/06/2023 : Le Soir - With Homeland and Managimm, the syndic becomes trendy
06/06/2023: CFNEWS - Homeland consolidates in traditional syndicate
06/06/2023: CFNEWS - Homeland gets two new syndics
11/01/2023 : Les Echos - Homeland, the neo-syndic who didn't want to be one
15/12/2022 : Les Echos - French Tech: towards a more accessible talent market
10/25/2022: Presse Agence - Paris: Homeland, reducing the consumption of energy resources
10/17/2022: Homeland - Homeland launches the 2nd carbon footprint calculator for condominiums with Sami
09/10/2022: Mon Immeuble - Carbon footprint: launch of the 1st calculator for condominiums
04/10/2022: France Info - Energy crisis: individualization of heating costs wins over apartment buildings
01/10/2022 : Le Monde - How to green your condominium?
27/07/2022 : La Tribune - Real estate: concentration accelerates in the condominium management market
06/22/2022: Ifop - Customer experience and major surveys: Homeland interview
06/22/2022: Mon Immeuble - Extranet syndic: building awareness among condominium owners
11/06/2022 : Le Journal Du Dimanche - "Proptech": start-ups reinventing real estate
27/05/2022 : L'Express - Condominium management companies shaken by insolent start-ups
27/05/2022 : Le Point - Condominium management companies shaken by insolent start-ups
01/05/2022: CDSCOPE - Homeland, revolutionary syndicate
09/03/2022 : Les Pépites Tech - 106 MILLION EUROS RAISED - WEEK 9 - 2022.
03/03/2022: Finyear - Homeland, raises €9M from Réflexion Capital and Banque des Territoires.
03/03/2022: Mon Immeuble - Homeland: neo-syndics pioneer raises 9 million euros.
02/03/2022: Next Finance - Homeland, raises €9m from Réflexion Capital and Banque des Territoires.
01/03/2022 : Les Echos - Homeland "syndic 2.0" raises €9m in new money
01/03/2022: Business Immo - A second round of financing of €9 million for Homeland
01/03/2022: CF NEWS - Homeland syndicates a second round
01/03/2022: CF NEWS IMMO - Homeland signs up for second round
01/03/2022: BE A BOSS - External growth ambitions for Homeland, which raises 9 million euros
25/12/2021 : Le Particulier Immobilier - Syndics, make the competition work for you
07/09/2021 : Batiweb - "60-70% of French people say they are dissatisfied with their condominium manager".
12/08/2021: Mysweetimmo - How to reduce your condominium's carbon footprint (podcast)
16/07/2021 : Destinationimmo - Homeland, the online property manager that combines expertise and availability
15/07/2021 : Le Monde- Co-ownership: resolutions to be put on the agenda of the general meeting as a matter of urgency
03/06/2021: ImmoMatin - How Homeland became the No. 1 new condominium manager
05/28/2021: Réno Info Maison -Aneco-responsible property manager: Homeland
02/03/2021: CNEWS - Homeland: the new-generation syndicate
27/06/2020 : Le Parisien - Ile-de-France: co-owners, hold your general meetings remotely!
11/05/2020 : Nomade Process-Dematerialized AGMs: the future of AGMs?
06/05/2020 : Les Echos -Thecoronavirus crisis pushes real estate into a digital revolution
01/05/2020 : La lettre M² - Homeland organizes the first 100% paperless AGM
21/03/2019 : Immo Matin -TheHomeland "augmented syndic" raises 2 million euros
07/03/2019 : Mon Immeuble - 100% digital condominium management: Homeland raises 2 million euros
06/03/2019 : Business Immo - Homeland raises €2 million to expand its digital condominium management business
06/03/2019 : L'ADN - Homeland start-up raises 2 million euros
05/03/2019 : Usine Digitale - Homeland, the start-up that wants you to love your condominium manager
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